Sunday, August 22, 2010

2010 8 22~

21 Aug 2010

Tong was came back BM d..
before that ~ was went to sunway with biig bii by Ben car.
we went there meet with xia ~
watch the horrible nausea movie~
the descent 2~
Ish damn nausea la..
that both crazy guy and women ~ still laugh non stop here..
I'm the one always get scare.. my Bii was always get me scare ..
haha.. damnm pity ~
but got once time .. saw a bii get scare so gou li~
haaa.. its damn funny la..
shh~ but its cutie ~
muackz o .. bii..
i miss your hug now..
i feel cold now..
Miss u right now ~
tomorrow will see you d..^^
waiting for you ~

Thursday, August 19, 2010

2010.8.18 ♥..

Yesterday we have skip 2 classes .. 
damn naughty that we are..
^^..but it is having joy with other way..
that i went patou with my biig bii..
after morning class .. we went home .. 
Bii was played my computer .. i think was facebook~
then when we both 1st time with couple’s identity for capture picture..
I like so much ..

after that i went for make up .. pan leng leng to go out with my bii bii^^ 
went gurney walk around and around and around  .. from 2 pm go until ..
>.< .. 12 .am 
hahaa.. damn geng ..
walk around , then still transfigurated be housewife.. went for cold storage bought a lot of stuff..
1 pack of cintan mee, mashroom soup, pasta , pasta sauce,a canned  of mashroom, cheese ..
other else .. ^.^ ..
cause my Bii has own me a meal.. he said wanna cook pasta for me ..I'm expect with that..
1st time my Bii cook for me was a breakfast ..american breakfast.. have an egg,two hot dog,with two slide of bread .some vege .. 
the second time.. bii i'm waiting for o ..
Its really let me expected .. tomorrow i can having it..

that a song my Bii like it so much too.. ^.^..
from lee hom..
蝴蝶眨几次眼睛 才学会飞行
王力宏 - 你不知道的事
夜空洒满了星星 但几颗会落地
我飞行 但你坠落之际
很靠近 还听见呼吸
对不起 我却没捉紧你
你的泪滴像 倾盆大雨
碎了满地 在心里清晰
多的是 你不知道的事
蝴蝶眨几次眼睛 才学会飞行
夜空洒满了星星 但几颗会落地
我飞行 但你坠落之际
很靠近 还听见呼吸
对不起 我却没捉紧你
你的泪滴像 倾盆大雨
碎了满地 在心里清晰
多的是 你不知道的事
我飞行 但你坠落之际
你的泪滴像 倾盆大雨
碎了满地 在心里清晰
多的是 你不知道的事
Bii..we must sweet longer o ..muackz..
today i had talk to you .. the 1st time .. I Love You..♥
today Bii have told me the 3rd time You love me..♥
Bii dont forget  o .. 70% You Me..30%  I You o ..^^

Sunday, August 15, 2010


I had pass a day , a HAPPINESS day .. 
cause have the guy who accompany at my side always .. 
last night he has hug me for a whole night .. 
I sleep very tight , sweet .. 
the feelling of warm from him .. 
i can feel that i'm safety beside him ..
I like when he hug me tight .. 
and also when i hug him tight ^^
the feel of happiness is surrounding us .. 
My biig Bii .. ♥

The guy , who like to let the girl hug tight .. ♥
The guy , who sayang the girl always ..♥
The guy , who will help the girl to take care my face..♥
The guy , he 1st time said love you to the girl at the night ..♥
The guy , the girl wanna told you.. she hope she can have you always ..she always remember what you told her before..♥

The Biig Bii now , tired until sleep at my back d ..
want wake him up more 10 mim .. 
hm.. feel like dont want wake him up.. 
but cant .. Bii , sei you o..muackz..♥

Biig Bii Xiio Bii
XiioBii Biig Bii



Biig Bii have told Xiio Bii , he had promise her ..
he will solve anything together with her ..
wont just left it,will solve it with her o ..

the 1st day for us..

 Its the day mayb have no any special to other.
but , it is special for both of us ..
can said it was finally .. we have together..
 My Biig Bii remember what you have said to me before o..
whatever i had said i dont want any promise from you..
if you cant do it.. please dont give me any promise~
I'm scare .. its really,cause of last time..
hope that we sweet longer and also last longer o..
nothing that i hope..
just hope that we 're really love each other ..
we will pass through anything whatever are unhappy , quarrel, happy , else 
we need to be gether also ..
okay .. i trust that anything we can solve as we can..